Motopower Video Productions LLC

Honda Valve (DVD: VCRF450R03D)

Honda Valve Intake Spec
0.006" (0.15 MM)

Left (bad)
Right (good)
0.004" (0.10 mm)
0.006" (0.15 mm)

Spec - Actual = Change needed
|0.15 mm - 0.10 mm| = 0.05 mm

The current shim measures 1.75 mm

Since the gap is too small a smaller shim is required to increase the gap. Therefore we will subtract the change needed from the current shim.

1.75 mm - 0.05 mm = 1.70 mm

Purchase and install a 1.70 mm shim in the Left side. Reuse the Right shim

Valve Exhaust Spec
0.011" (0.28 mm)

Left (good)
Right (bad)
0.011" (0.28 mm)
0.013" (0.33 mm)

Spec - Actual = Change needed
|0.28 mm - 0.33 mm| =0.05 mm

The current shim measures 2.20 mm

Since the gap is too big, a bigger shim is needed to reduce the gap. Therefore we will add the change needed to the current shim.

2.20 mm + 0.05 mm = 2.25 mm

Purchase and install a 2.25 mm shim in the Right side. Reuse the Left shim

Copyright 2020 Motopower Video Productions LLC