Motopower Video Productions LLC

KTM and Husaberg WP 50 mm Shock Tools and Supplies
(DVD: S250SX05D)

Service manual
Set of Metric 3/8" drive sockets
3/8" drive ratchet and extension assortment
Set of Metric wrenches
Divider style spanner wrench
Torque wrench
Brass Hammer
Miscellaneous hand tools such as screwdrivers and pliers.
Bike stand or jack to elevate the rear wheel
Propane torch
Rubber gloves
Oil drip pan
5 gal bucket or tub to wash parts
Old shower curtain or plastic drop cloth
Nylon detail brush
2 cans of brake cleaner
Loctite blue
O-ring and seal grease
Metal file, grinder or belt sander (if you want to change shims)
Thread file (if you want to change shims)
Shock seal bullet tool. You can purchase it from
Compressed air (approx 120-150 psi)
Punch (approx. 3/16" diameter end)
Shock oil - 1 qt of manufacturer's recommended viscosity
New shims and Valve (if desired)
Shock seal
Nitrogen source up to 200 psi – check with your local shop, Air conditioning shop or welding store.

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